+Bakuretsu Tenshi - Angel's Adolescence
March 13th 2008

The first book was finished. Please get it here as they have taken over the project and are doing a great job of it.

September 12th

Well, I assume the translations are still underway, i now have an editor so while I wait for the new site to be made and for the first two acts to become propper scanlations (and not as crappy images) I hope to get more translations up sometime ^^. Oh no prob asking this as I will need more translators for the novels in time, if you wish to help and support just email me and ask for any position ^^ itanshi - gmail.com

August 18th

My translator is at Otakon, so say hi to her if you see her, she's cosplaying as Jo so i heard, could be wrong. Now then, I will have a credit page, best moments page (as they appear with the releases) next act will be done in eh a few weeks? maybe less, stay tuned. I have a post in shoujoai.com's forum which i'll pimp with each update. Also talk about the manga all you like there ^^. Oh yeah, my other project - paordies featuring any anime lesbian ya can think of mainly the lesbian sentei. Shizuru, Natsuki, Nao, Jo, Meg http://itanshi.deviantart.com/

August 17th

Page uploaded, looking good. I have all pages scanned and in the raw. Not all uploaded just yet. Only 2/16 acts translated. So I'll need feedback on this matter.
itanshi - gmail - com

Manga Volume 1 Manga Volume 2 Manga Volume 3 | Novel Volume 1 Novel Volume 2